This program provides quality care in a fun, safe and caring environment.
New to Medicare, helping your parents with their Medicare or just plain confused about Medicare? You are not alone.
Learn the ABCs & D’s of Medicare through this powerpoint presentation. Take away the mystery, confusion and misinformation about Medicare.
You will leave this class with a better understanding of Medicare, the costs and benefits associated with it along with information on enrollment periods and Medicare plan types. Bring your questions.
The same instruction will be presented at each session; multiple sessions are offered for participant convenience.
Mediqwest does not charge a fee. No products will be sold. The fee for this class supports Community Education's operations.
Michelle is well-versed in Medicare planning, specializing in assisting seniors to reach their healthcare needs and goals. As an Independent Agent, Michelle is licensed in both WI and MN and is an avid educator on the ABC's and D's of Medicare.
Michelle Wood