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3 Results

  • ABC's & D's of Medicare

    New to Medicare, helping your parents with their Medicare or just plain confused about Medicare? You are not alone. Learn the ABCs & D’s of Medicare through this powerpoint presentation. Take away the mystery, confusion and misinformation about Medicare. You will leave this class with a better understanding of Medicare, the costs and benefits associated with it along with information on enrollment periods and Medicare plan types. Bring your questions. The same instruction will be presented at each session; multiple sessions are offered for participant convenience. Mediqwest does not charge a fee. No products will be sold. The fee for this class supports Community Education's operations.
  • Medicare 101

    This Medicare 101 class is an educational class designed to provide individuals with a solid understanding and breakdown of Medicare basics. Medicare can be complicated, but not knowing the basics and when to enroll can lead to increased costs and missed opportunities. Discover more about Medicare benefits, important enrollment dates, what to do if you are still employed, enrollment and eligibility requirements. The same instruction will be presented at each session; multiple sessions are offered for participant convenience. Heppner Insurance does not charge a fee. No products will be sold. The fee for this class supports Community Education's operations.
  • Social Security: Timing is Everything

    Social Security can be a confusing topic, and making the most of it has a lot to do with when you apply for benefits. Attend Social Security: Timing is Everything to get answers to your questions and learn what social security can mean for you. Thrivent does not charge a fee for this class. No products will be sold. The fee for this class supports Community Education's operations.